St. Kitts, V4
I patterned this trip much like the one to St. John, and even brought a small triband antenna for 10m-15m-20m in hopes of making my 100 watt signal just a little louder in the CQ WW SSB contest.
As it turns out, the Boston Red Sox were playing for a second world championship while we were on the island, so there was some extra excitement on Sunday night when the contest was over.

Scott, V4/NE1RD operating from the island of St. Kitts in the CQ WW SSB contest

Above: Still taking too much stuff. You can see the luggage behind Sandy in the background. It was this trip that I finally figured out how I would beat the bloat on my next trip.
Left: The Mosley triband antenna is mounted on its painter's pole which was lashed to a roof support. Two fiberglass fishing poles hold up the low-band antennas. As it turns out, I made almost no low-band contacts.

With all the time setting up, operating, and tearing down again, it might have been easy to forget that this was also our family vacation. The property was beautiful, bordering a golf course, with the ocean in the background, and our own private pool.
160: 0 0 0
80: 1 1 1
40: 7 4 7
20: 115 16 44
15: 238 14 31
10: 24 7 8
Total: 385 42 91 Total Score = 79,800

Audio from pre-contest warm-up from St. Kitts on 20m phone. Contacts are with: KR4RO, W8DYF, IZ7BFR, IZ7GIT, F5OTZ, and OK1DIB