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QSL Information

Amateur radio operators or short wave listeners wishing a card from any of my operations may obtain one either directly with an SASE or via the ARRL QSL Bureau. Additionally, I utilize the two popular electronic QSL mechanisms eQSL and the ARRL's Logbook of the World. I try to respond to cards as soon as they arrive.

B. Scott Andersen, NE1RD
9 Cara Lane
Pelham, NH 03076

Good on:

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Results Contest year ending:
CQ WW SSB [October previous year]54,288111,986**3,082169,761264,894720,360300,054
CQ WW CW [November previous year]140183,209466,824
ARRL DX CW [February]28,635
ARRL DX SSB [March]47,277440,250473,184
CQ WPX SSB [March]34,727639,086*129,762*5,922406,404
CQ WPX CW [May]85,140151,980†
"Big 4" total (CQWW and ARRL DX)54,288112,12647,2773,0820352,970733,7791,660,368 300,054
* as KP2/NE1RD
** as V4/NE1RD
† Claimed
All scores contribute to the Yankee Clipper Contest Club totals.

Work commitments and volunteer activities prevented active contesting from 2016 through 2020.

Space Weather

Courtesy of http://www.fourmilab.ch/, this is the current real-time position of the Gray Line

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