Other Awards
Here are a couple of things I've received in recognition of things not done on the air. I am very grateful for all of them.

PART of Westford
The PART of Westford club gave me an award of merit for my work with the club. Of all the awards I've collected in this hobby, this one is the most important, and most heartwarming to me. I am deeply honored to be publicly recognized by my peers in this way. Good thing I was wearing a red shirt that day. You can't see me blushing!

By the way, that good looking guy on the right is Bo Budinger, WA1QYM, former President and then Senior Club Advisor to PART.

Bo passed away in July of 2019. He was a mentor to me on so many things, both in ham radio and life in general. He was also a good and valued friend. PART of Westford, and all of the amateur radio community, is diminished by his abscence.
Arthur Bowman "Bo" Budinger, III
April 2, 1940 — July 14, 2019
Nashua Area Radio Society
Club of the Year 2019
The Nashua Area Radio Society was honored at Hamvention Saturday, 18 May 2019, by DARA, the organizers of the convention. It was an amazing evening. So many members of our club have worked their tails off that I wish everyone of our 225 members could have been there to accept the award. This is certainly one of the highlights of my time in the hobby.

Left-to-right: B. Scott Andersen (NE1RD), Jamie Finchum (AC1DC), Fred Kemmerer (AB1OC), Brian McCaffrey (W1BP), Anita Kemmerer (AB1QB), Dave Merchant (K1DLM), Abby Finchum (AB1BY), Charles Dunn (W1CBD)